Friends Are Fun eBook EditionNovember 30, 2016RR Level 2, GR Level C, Emergent Non-Fiction Set B Click square icon to view fullscreen. Happy Reading! Follow the links below to view the other titles in this set or return to the main eBook Editions page. AllEmergent Fiction Set AEmergent Fiction Set BEmergent Fiction Set CEmergent Fiction Set DEmergent Non-Fiction Set AEmergent Non-Fiction Set BEmergent Non-Fiction Set CA Visit from CharlieAll Kinds of EarsAnimal RacesAt the BeachBaby AnimalsBaking DayBig AnimalsCome to the LibraryDonkey’s TailFriends Are FunFunny ClothesGo! Go! Go!Going to WorkGoing UpHoppity HopHot StuffHow Tall?I Can ReadIn and OutJump for JoyLet’s Play BallListen to ThatLittle AnimalsLook How We CookLooking For WhalesMy SnackOpen and CloseOppositesOur WeatherRound and RoundSee Me RideSharing My ToysSlow MoversSo FastStickybeak the ParrotToo BusyToys That Can GoUp and DownVegetable BasketWe Like FishingWhat Can Fly?What Can You See?What Can You Smell?What Feels Cold?What Feels Sticky?What is Fun?What is Inside?What is Noisy?What is Quiet?What Is Soft?What Shape is This?Who Has Horns?Who Has Whiskers?Who Lives In The Sea?Who Lives on a Farm?Yes, Please!