Around age 5, children enter school and begin receiving formal literacy instruction. They continue to make rapid growth in literacy skills if they are exposed to literacy-rich environments (Burns, Griffin,
& Snow, 1999).
- Will look at books and enjoys being read to
- Notices letters and words around them
- Begins to understand that print carries a message
- Writes their own name and can recognise it
- Plays at reading – holding books and turning pages pretending to read
- Enjoys learning about letters and words from books, games, songs and nursery rhymes
- Looks at pictures and makes up stories
- Uses memory and pictures to retell a story
- Learns letter names and letter sounds – starting with their own
- Learns how books work where a story starts and ends and which way the print progresses.
- Understands the concept of a letter and a word
Read on to learn more about each stage:
Step 2: Emergent Reading Stage
Step 5: Advanced Fluency Stage
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