September brings the exciting news that we have won the Teachers ChoiceSM Award 2019 for the Family for our Red Rocket™ Readers Library Collections!
These 12 special editions each bundle together 8 bestselling Red Rocket™ Readers into a hardcover (library bound) format, making them the perfect choice for public libraries and family bookshelves.
These collections are perfect for a week home reading practice – parents can listen to their children read one or two stories each day and watch their reading levels take off. Parent support is built in with a handy navigation guide at the back of each title and free printable worksheets available to download.
View the Library Collections in our Bookshop.
About the Award:
Learning® Magazine Teachers’ ChoiceSM Awards is one of the most recognized and prestigious awards in the education market. A team of teachers evaluates each product in the classroom, to assess its quality, instructional value, ease of use, and innovation. Only those products that meet our teachers’ stringent standards are chosen to receive a Teachers’ Choice Award.
Red Rocket™ Readers Library Collections join the rest of the Red Rocket™ Readers series as winners of the following awards:
- Learning® Magazine Teachers’ ChoiceSM Award
Children’s Books 2010
Red Rocket™ Readers - Learning® Magazine Teachers’ ChoiceSM Award
For the Classroom 2011
Red Rocket™ Classroom Library – eBook Edition - Association of Educational Publishers
Finalist: Distinguished Achievement 2011
Red Rocket™ Readers Alphabet Explorers
- Learning® Magazine Teachers’ ChoiceSM Award
For the Classroom 2012
Red Rocket™ Readers Alphabet Explorers
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